Opinionated Software Developer of more than 38 years taking notes on what not to do again. Nothing you read here was "AI" generated.
Java mains keep posting “Patterns in Go” articles. · Forty year old Gang of Four patterns, designed for C++, misunderstood and poorly implemented by Java...
anyone seriously comparing Rest to GraphQL does not know why either of them exist. · History The original ReST idea, which is supposedly spelled out in...
when you know what you can not do, everything else is a possibility - Jarrod Roberson · No one programming language is prefect for every situation, but...
technology that you should be using or familiar with now or soon · No one programming language is prefect for every situation, but some are perfect for...
You must have both loose coupling AND high cohesion. · Loose Coupling/High Cohesion The first is easy the second hard that is why everyone ignores...
the development process that can be named is not the true development process · TL;DR Dogmatic Driven Adherence to things is bad. Especially things that...